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Quality Control

SES-Q.CONTROL has been designed to improve the performance of managers in the company and officers on board. It is a Microsoft Windows based application that leads and organizes a company in relation to Quality Control, Quality Management, ISM, ISO and other Quality standards. It embodies an invaluable tool of great assistance to the Quality Manager in performing his tasks to organize, follow up and audit all the aspects related to a Quality Management System. The design and the user friendliness of the system are according to the world renowned standards of SES.

SES-Q.CONTROL manages all the information related to ISM, while simultaneously sharing data and interfacing between the office and the vessels. All the ISM and ISO information is immediately available to the users at an instant.

The core of the system is the Tasks Q.M. module that covers all the ISM and ISO activities with procedures, references, outstanding / reminders, historical data, status of tasks and deviations (delayed or missing reports).