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SES ERP line of products are complete and integrated software applications for both ashore and on board covering all the departments of a maritime company which can be used as a “driving engine” and are open to be tailored according to each clients needs. It consists of 2 major parts SES-Office and SES-Vessel.

SES-Office Software organizes all the departments of a ship management company. It is Complete and Integrated software offering communications and consistency of databases between the Main Office, the Vessels and Branch Offices of the company.

SES-Vessel Software is specially designed to be operated by seamen, covering all the aspects on board the Vessels and is in full communication with the SES-Office and vise versa.



Smart™ RADICAL INNOVATION line of products, are complete and integrated software packages for both ashore and on board covering: Technical, Purchasing, Inventory, Cost Control, Marine Accounting & financials and Crew Management.


SES Q-Control™ ISM & ISO is the application software that leads and organizes a ship management company in relation to Quality control, Total Quality Management, for ISM Code and ISO Accreditation.

SES-Q.Control™ ISM & ISO


SES B2B-Link Software is the SES e-procurement package for Suppliers, that offers the integration between ship Owners' operations with those of Suppliers with automatic through e-mail exchange of relevant information.

SES b2b Link™